Ǝ4E bootcamp (Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs) is a networking team who holds events to create teamwork, collaboration, and support for entrepreneurs. Their mission is to help one another succeed in their fields and share their tips, tricks, secrets, stories, and strategies; all of which are essential to make a business prosperous.
On Sunday, November 4th, 2012 –
Façade Academy of the Arts and our neighbor BodyWorx Vitality
had the pleasure of hosting one of Ǝ4E bootcamp’s networking events.
The first portion of this event was at Façade Academy where guest-speakers presented their personal business strategies, stories and success tips. The guest speakers alongside our very own Mina Spremulli were split into four panels, the panelists were each categorized by one of four chapters in Ǝ4E bootcamp’s up-and-coming published book (to be released in winter of 2013). All panelists have contributed to the book by writing a personal memoir detailing their journey towards entrepreneurship.
As each guest arrived they were greeted and given a gift bag with information on the day’s agenda and promotions from a variety of businesses affiliated with Ǝ4E bootcamp. There was a grand total of 75 guests in attendance. Each guest was asked to purchase a ticket in which a portion of the proceeds went toward a specialized -youth mentorship program- in Vaughan.
Once everyone was settled in, they were introduced with a game to help break the ice
Giuditta – Ǝ4E bootcamp Founder was the MC for the event. She joined each panel contributing a contagious energy and an inspirational presence.
Guest speakers were divided into the following panels:
Panel 1 – Passion into Profit – The Beginnings!
Panel 2 – Build a Business, Finding Clients!
Panel 3 – Double Your Income in ½ the Time!
Panel 4 – The Future & Beyond!
(Façade Academy Owner/ Director, Mina Spremulli was the first to present her story and provided guests with her insight on how to make your business a successful one:
●Stick with your gut●
●Maintain a clear vision of your goals●
●Believe in yourself●
●Stay passionate●
●Have the courage to take risks●
●Acknowledge criticism●
●Stand by your ideas●
In between panelist presentations, guests made their way next door into BodyWorx Vitality`s facility where everyone had the opportunity to participate in activities such as:
● Networking with other guests

● Asking the panelists questions
● Enjoying food and refreshments
All guests also received a gift bag filled with health & vitamin samples AND a gift certificate for a free fitness class at BodyWorx Vitality.