March 2022

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding of keeping our academy community safe throughout the pandemic and its waves. As we adapt to our COVID-19 pandemic response to the evolving health environment, the following updates have been provided to us by the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health (OCMOH), and in alignment with community measures, the province is returning to a more normal learning and business environment for adults and students.

Effective March 21, 2022:

Masking & Staff Personal Protective Equipment

In alignment with community masking requirements, masks will no longer be required for staff, providers or any other individual (including children and youth) at the academy. In addition, we know that many children, youth and staff may choose to continue to wear masks at times, or consistently. We encourage all individuals entering out academy environment to be respectful, welcoming, and inclusive of those who choose to continue to wear a mask.

International Travel:

A reminder that under current federal travel requirements, upon return from international travel, individuals must, wear a masks at all times when in public spaces (including schools and child care), maintain a list of all close contact for your first 14 days in Canada, and monitor yourself for signs and symptoms of COVID-10. If you were away during the break, please inform our team and keep open communication with us. Also check all federal regulations for international travel guidelines.

Lifting of Social Distancing

Social distancing will no longer be required for all classes. Façade Academy of The Arts Inc will maintain all cleaning and sanitization protocols throughout and in between classes to ensure the academy and studio remain as clean as possible.

Self-Screening Confirmation Forms and On-site Screening Daily

Confirmation of screening for children, youth and staff/provider will no longer be required. Individuals should continue to self-screen every day before attending their classes using a screening tool designated by the local public health unit. We are no longer required to take student or parent/guardian or staff temperatures.

Updates Case and Contact Management Guidance

Further to the updates mentioned above, the Ministry of Health has revised the COVID-19 Integrated Testing & Case, Contact and Outbreak Management Interim Guidance: Omicron Surge, with updates guidance for close contacts in the community and in households:

Symptomatic Individuals:

If a student or staff (regardless of immunization status) has tested positive on a Rapid Antigen Test, he/she must not attend the academy for an isolation period of 5 days.

As per Ministry of health guidelines, asymptomatic individuals who are close contact of a positive case or of symptomatic individual in the community are no longer required to isolate but must:

-self-monitor for 10 days following the last exposure

-close contacts must wear a well-fitted mask in all public settings and avoid activities where they need to take off their mask

-For children under 2 a well-fitted mask is not required. However, parents must monitor for symptoms for 10 days following the last exposure.

Student Illness

Good health is required for effective learning. Parents/guardians must call the academy to report if your child is absent. If a child becomes ill while at the academy, parents/guardians will be contacted to pickup their child. If parent/guardian is unavailable, staff will contact someone else on their registration form. Please keep phone numbers up-to-date.

Inclusion/Exclusion of Student Illness:

Runny nose (clear) / Congestion-Headache

A student with any of the above symptoms may not return to school until he/she is symptom free for at least 24 hours, for example, if your child has green or yellow mucus on Monday morning, he/she must remain home on that day and return on Tuesday morning only if symptoms are improving and not worsening. If your child is sent home, it is 24 hours after pick-up.

Fever-Vomiting-Diarrhea-Fatigue-Cough-Sore Throat

A student with any of the above symptoms may not return to the academy until heshe is symptom free for at least 48 hours, for example, if your child is sick on Monday he/she must remain at home on Tuesday and may return on Wednesday only if symptoms are improving and not worsening. If any of these symptoms develop at school, the parents or emergency contact person will be notifies and requested to pick up the student immediately.

Contagious Disease-Chicken Pod, Rubella, Measles, Pink Eye, Hepatitis A or B, Meningitis, Mumps, Pertussis, Candida, Coxsackie A16 (Hand Foot and Mouth Disease), Fifth Disease, Pinworms, Scabies, Streptococcal Infections:

If a student contracts any of the above, our team must be informed immediately. Students will not be permitted to return to the academy until a doctor has verified that the student is no longer contagious.

We wish everyone continued health and safety! 


Mina Spremulli-Di Carlo

Creative Director

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